25 Songwriting | Jump for Joy Music


Harmonica | The Power of Strong Character™ Songwriting | Teacher Training

“From rock to the blues, this year’s songwriting class has been able to adapt to a variety of music with creativity and enthusiasm. It is a most engaging course, because all facets of music are emphasized.”

Nancy Fong
regarding Wiley’s Songwriting Workshop for the International Leadership Conferences,
sponsored by the American Youth Foundation (ages 16-21)

Let your students express themselves in a modern style that remains wholesome and constructive!

Songwriting Courses

Wiley has conducted writing workshops for these age groups:

  • 2-5 years old
  • 6-12 years old
  • 12-16 years old
  • 16-21 years old

Serving, among others, these groups:

  • “Music in the Park” Series (5 separate years), Milpitas, CA
  • Santa Clara County Arts Council
  • Neighborhood Kids Corner, Roy Cloud School
  • Palo Alto Parents and Professionals for the Arts
  • American Youth Foundation
  • Eastfield Ming Quong Foundation

Let Jump for Joy Music bring a Power of Strong Character™ Writing Workshop to your school or organization!

“Rock It Forever” © 2006
by Wiley and Deborah Rankin

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The Power of Strong Character™ includes

themes like:

* Trustworthiness
* Respect
* Responsibility
* Fairness
* Caring
* Citizenship
* Courage
* Determination
* and many other positive traits

They provide a “terrific” framework
to encourage healthy boundaries,
respect for others, and an adventure
in writing compositions!