25 Harmonica for Everyone! Four classes at West Valley College | Jump for Joy Music

Harmonica for Everyone! Four classes at West Valley College

Wiley with HarmonicaMonday nights, April 8 – 29 from 6:45-8:15 pm.  $75 for all 4 classes.  No musical experience? Not a problem. Convinced you could never play anything? Think again. With a harmonica, you can learn more music than you ever thought possible. Wiley covers the basics, so that each step is easy. Then on to folk, rock, classical, and blues…plus some music fundamentals. I believe that you will amaze yourself. All of this on a 10-hole diatonic harmonica (often referred to as “blues harp”). The fun begins right away. If you are a trained musician, this is a chance to try an instrument built for blues improvisation.

Bring your own diatonic 10-hole “C” harmonica or buy one in class.  Prices are $7 or $9.  Sheet music is provided at no additional cost.  Click here to register.


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